
For complete information on a bill, including text, history, and amendments, click on the links below or go to the legislative website and enter the bill number in the search box.


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Bill Act Title Author
HB 100 264 Domestic Abuse Costs and Attorney Fees M. White
HB 125 265 Divorce and Spousal Support P. Jefferson
HB 147 21 Filiation and Birth Certificates S. Dwight
HB 174 195 Code of Civil Procedure R. Garofalo
HB 182 296 Indian Child Welfare Act R. Johnson
HB 187 453 Children's Code Use of Restraints J. Marino
HB 395 164 Continuing Tutorship F. Foil
HB 482 321 Children's Code Release from Custody W. Leger
HB 519 n/a Unpaid Wages P. Smith
HB 643 562 Children's Code Adoption R. Edmonds
SB 98 n/a Same-Sex Marriage JP Morrell
SB 190 n/a Zoning W. Bishop
SB 396 n/a Surrogacy G. Smith
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